Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



First Time Visitors to the Food Pantry

Their names are Joshua and Hillary. About three years ago, Hilary’s mother passed away, they lost custody of their child, and have been on the street living out of their car, which they share with three dogs. Still, when we spoke, they were full of joy and humor. Hilary’s eyes sparkled as she spoke about her son. They make it a point to see their son regularly. His foster parents have been excellent about that.

I asked them about their faith. They are confident of Jesus’ presence. Hilary said, “It’s better to believe in Jesus than go crazy.” My thought is that it’s a wonder that more people don’t go crazy without Him.

These two are very aware of the services that the Rescue Mission Alliance provides. Through God’s grace flowing through this sisterhood of ministries, this family has been relatively thriving on the unfriendly streets.

Last Saturday, they came to the pantry for the first time. I had spoken with them ahead of time and managed to provide them with a hefty chunk of turkey. It turns out that they have resources to do a bit of grilling. They told me that they were able to provide food for their friends and had enough to give away to more than five other families. It was a joy to be a channel of blessing for this sweet couple.

When asked about any prayer requests, they asked that I pray for their homeless neighbors in the area. It was a blessing to see the Lord’s generosity flowing through their deep poverty. More and more I am finding that in my feeble attempts at being a blessing, I am being doubly blessed.

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