Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



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Victories to Celebrate.



Gael and his grandma are blessed by the La Voz pantry

Gael and his Grandma Maria happened upon the pantry one day on their way home from school.

Gael and his Grandma Maria happened upon the pantry one day on their way home from school.

The two of them visit each week for supplies

Earlier this year, Gael and his grandma, Maria, were walking home from school and passed by the pantry at La Voz Sylmar Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Maria saw a few people waiting in the parking lot and decided to inquire about the line. She was told that it was a food distribution, and it was all free of charge.

Maria stayed that day and received a bounty. Her daughter, who is the sole income in her house, is also struggling financially due to her employer cutting her hours. Maria is unable to work anymore, but helps out the household by taking care of Gael, as well as his sister who has special needs.

“It was a blessing for me,” Maria said. “I’ve been coming every Thursday now to La Voz pantry and they give me a lot of veggies and fruits. Some days, the director of the pantry even goes the extra mile to make Gael smile by praying with him, motivating him to work hard in school, and giving him some cookies, juice, or chips. These are things that are hard for us to provide.

“Since our first visit, Gael is always ready to go with me to the pantry, and says when he grows up he wants to help others in need. Thank you to everyone who makes this possible.”

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