Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



Gifts, Talents, Hope, Joy And Possibilities

“Due to the generosity of the Rescue Mission Alliance Valley Food Bank and its donors, New Hope Church has had the privilege of operating a monthly food pantry in downtown Van Nuys for almost two years.

Although many might describe our local neighborhood area as “destitute,” “gang-infested,” or “under-resourced,” the human and spiritual connections that members of New Hope Church have been able to form with our surrounding community as a direct result of the food pantry have taught us, instead, to see our neighborhood as one filled with gifts, talents, hope, joy, and possibility.

Because our roots have grown deeper into our community as a direct result of our food pantry ministry, this year we had the privilege of hosting several of our local neighbors and food pantry guests at a holiday block party. Not only was this a wonderful time for the neighborhood to come together and experience the joy of one another’s company and the holiday season, but it was also an opportunity for New Hope Church to bless many children, who might not have had any gifts this year otherwise, with toys.

We are so grateful for the amazing generosity of the Rescue Mission Alliance Valley Food Bank and its donors because, if it were not for you, engaging our community through our food pantry would never have been possible. God bless, and here’s to an amazing 2018!”
~ Jason Wong, New Hope Church

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