Stories that Inspire.

Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Victories to Celebrate.

Elysia, exchange students volunteer at pantry


This is Elysia and her friends before the virus hit us. They are Chinese exchange students who joined us to volunteer at our pantry during the sunny days. Interestingly, Elysia was wearing a mask even back then—it has proven somewhat prophetic!

These are high school students who leave home for a little while to attend school in America. While here, their host families take them to church and consequently they come to church events such as our pantry. It has been a blessing to have these students be a part of the life of our church family.

We had a truly blessed time serving the community that day. Though it was their first time at our monthly event, they served like veterans. They could be seen doing the heavy lifting as well as being kind to those in line who needed help. For these students, a food pantry was a very novel experience. It was an opportunity for us as a faith family to share what it was like to be Christ-like to those around us.

It is no secret that there has been growing animosity toward Christianity in China by the Chinese government. And these days with the present condition of the virus, the potential for growing animosity toward Asians is obvious. Through opportunities like these, however, we can offer a positive witness to these students who would not otherwise get to see the Gospel lived out. Also, for us who were involved in that pantry that day, those memories and these pictures serve as timely reminders that we are all walking on God’s earth together and that if we all love Jesus, our oneness extends forever.

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