Stories that Inspire.

Stories that Inspire.

Victories to Celebrate.

Victories to Celebrate.

From the Director – December

VFB Director

We are looking forward to finishing the year strong so we can enter 2019 in a good place, not just to continue operating our programs, but also improving and enhancing them. At the time of this writing, we had placed into service a new refrigerated truck with increased load capacity. We have scheduled the renovation and replacement of our current refrigeration systems, which will soon double our storage capacity. Things like this may seem mundane to some, but are a tremendous blessing for the Food Bank—it allows us to process and distribute more food resources.

Thank you for all your help and support! We often say we could not do what we do without you and that is the absolute truth. From volunteer help, organizations conducting drives, companies donating food and other essentials, and heroes that generously support our work. We love you and extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the part you play in making our work possible.


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