Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



Answered Prayer

Irma visited International Community Church’s food pantry for the first time a few months ago. She lives with her husband and teenage daughter in a low-income hotel in the Van Nuys area and collects cans and bottles for recycling in order to earn money to support her family.

The first time Irma visited the pantry for food assistance, she shared that her husband was in need of employment. She also requested prayer for her daughter who was struggling in school, as well as for herself because she has been struggling with aches and pains in her own body. Kiera connected with Irma during that first visit and prayed with her.

This past month, Irma came back to the pantry with a wonderful report of an answered prayer. Not only has her daughter begun to do much better in school, but her husband has also found gainful employment. The food, human connection, and spiritual support Irma received from the pantry have been an incredible encouragement to her, and she is grateful for God’s blessings.

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