Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



Eva is no longer ashamed of asking for help

Eva has been a food box recipient at the La Voz Sylmar pantry for a year.

Eva has been a food box recipient at the La Voz Sylmar pantry for a year.

Eva has been visiting the food pantry at La Voz Seventh-Day Adventist Church for about a year. “One never thinks they would have that need, but my children’s tuition was diminishing my savings,” Eva said. “We had the help of sports scholarships, which helped relieve the payments, but when my son had to move out of state, with rent and food, (it became difficult).”

Eva is the only parent contributing financially to her children’s schooling. When she heard about the pantry program, she decided she would give it a try. “I met wonderful people who, like me, like to help others,” Eva said. “My maternal grandparents come from a humble family who love to help others as well. When we arrive at their town in Mexico a lot of older people would speak about the wonders they did to help others in need. It reminds me of the kindness that my mother has instilled in me.”

Eva came to the pantry after work. “I saw that many people—older people, younger people, people of all ages— are in trouble just like me. There were quite a few people all needing help and giving help—wonderful experiences happen every Thursday in the parking lot of this place. Having the opportunity to talk and exchange stories about our problems is a blessing.”

Eva gave an example: “When the items of my box of food fell out of my box, all the people helped me and did not make me feel sorry for my clumsiness. Another day it happened to someone else, and everyone helped with pleasure. I helped that lady with the same kindness that they helped me.

“God gives life lessons to each of us to show that we all need everyone’s kindness and goodness, and that mutual help still exists in this world,” Eva added. “And to not lose hope that God will provide as he has done today.”

Eva shared that she is no longer embarrassed to say she visits the pantry. “I don’t feel sorry to receive food help anymore,” she said. “I’m not ashamed. I come to receive the bread that I will put on our family’s table, and I also share it at work on Friday. I bring my coworkers desserts, fruits, and I like trying some fruit or food that I wouldn’t have bought because I didn’t know it or used it in my meals. Learning to appreciate what is shared is wonderful and satisfying. Thank you very much to all those who make this possible, God bless you for this great mission.”

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