Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



Giving of Herself, She Receives Even More

Debbie is a Christian who believes in living out the Gospel on a daily basis. Despite the fact she has financial struggles herself, Debbie spends her free time volunteering and helping others in need. It was during her time volunteering that she received a flyer informing her of a new ministry coming to town, the Elevate Church Food Distribution. She was intrigued and excited, as she had been praying for provision for her own family’s food needs.

When she arrived at the distribution, Debbie was impressed by how well it was run. She was also blown away by the abundance and quality of food available to the recipients. When asked what this ministry meant to her, she didn’t spare any words. She was quick to give thanks to God, realizing that He was the ultimate provider of her answered prayers. But she also acknowledged the hard work of everyone from the Rescue Mission Alliance Valley Food Bank and its supporters that makes it possible for her to eat every month. The money she saved because of the food she received from the pantry helped her to pay her other basic bills. Debbie noted that she has seen God’s hand upon the community and that people have been better off since receiving the food. And, with thanksgiving, Debbie will continue to spend her days paying forward all that God has done for her.

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