Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



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Victories to Celebrate.



Never Did I Imagine…

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I would have to rely on a food pantry for food. My heart is so full of gratitude to those who keep these wonderful resources going. I really don’t have the words to tell you how much I appreciate each and every one of you and the work you do. Your generosity is a lifesaver. Thank you ever so much for helping me out by allowing me to be a recipient of the food giveaway. It has eased my anxiety about making ends meet. It made it much easier to take care of bills in a timely fashion.

My life changed when I started coming to the food pantry at Calvary Baptist Church. The pantry gave me a chance to get the nourishment I needed for my mind and body, plus spiritually. When I started coming to the pantry, it helped me learn how to make better choices when picking food. I saw how fresh the food was and how it was better and more nutritious for my body and mind. They have fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and healthy breads and drinks. This is something I wasn’t getting. I’ve been so used to eating fast food.

When I am there as a volunteer, we talk about which foods are good for you and which ones are bad for you. Volunteering here has educated me about different foods, plus it’s taught me how to help my community. Spiritually, I have learned to pray for the blessings that I get from the pantry. We pray over the food, the people before they get here, and Rev. Will and his Food Bank team, because they are all a part of our blessing.

The food bank has changed my life in ways I did not think could be possible. Prior to coming to the pantry, all I thought about was myself. Now I think of others and hope that they get the nourishment that I get by coming and volunteering at the pantry.

I thank God for Rev. Will and the Calvary Baptist Church food giveaway for being there for me and my family. The way the economy is today, plus being on General Relief (a county-funded financial-assitance program), we would not be eating. Thank you.
~As told to Ponella Booker, Calvary Baptist Church Executive Admin.

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