Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.



Sharing Family Traditions

Have you ever thought about how you can help others, to make this a better place to live? Doing more does not mean that you have to become a leading ecologist or a civil servant. In fact, something as simple as donating gently used clothes or volunteering at the food bank during your free time can have a positive impact on families and children everywhere. Local mom, Christina Wu does exactly that. She volunteers at the Rescue Mission Alliance Valley Food Bank on Tuesdays with her three children. 

Christina arrived to the United States from China as an accountant manager for Sunstar Shoes. Their company opened a wholesale store in South El Monte in 1999. Christina met Peter at a local church in Monterey Park and, soon after, they were married. Now, Christina is a happy, stay-at-home mom who takes care of three beautiful children. Peter works with TSA at the airport. Their family goes to church every Sunday where they participate in choir and other hands-on activities.

Christina likes to help other people because it gives her joy to give back. “When you help people, you also learn things about yourself and become happier. You know that you can be useful. I have had a lot of help throughout my life when needed and want to return it to others. I see how this generation of people act selfishly and I desire my children to be different. When introducing our children to new things they have the opportunity to learn and participate, to develop good habits and allows them to be happy too.”

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