Stories that Inspire.
Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Victories to Celebrate.
Director’s note
Pioneering for a purpose

The back portion of the Food Bank’s warehouse is about 5,000 square feet. The goal is to install steel racking throughout, giving us the ability to hold dozens more pallets of food.
Have you ever played the classic game, The Oregon Trail? Perhaps you played it on an old Mac computer where the game was loaded on a floppy disk. Yes, you heard me right, a floppy disk! Some of you are thinking, “What in the world is that?” Others are having flashbacks and experiencing a panic attack right now because all you can think about is not buying enough warm clothes at the General Store and later freezing to death along the trail. It’s going to be alright, just breathe, we aren’t going to bust out the Mac or the floppy disk.
It was while playing this incredibly pixilated game that registered probably 0-bit on the gaming spectrum, that you learned the history and facts of the early American Pioneers. This is where my mind gravitates to when I think of the word “Pioneers.” But when I really begin to think of these people and the struggles they went through for the promise of the unknown, more thoughts emerge. I wonder about the comforts they gave up, and all the sacrifices that were made for a greater hope and future. One reason why I admire pioneers so much is because they didn’t do it for their immediate gain or satisfaction—they did it for legacy and purpose.
They knew the cost of all toil, sacrifice and loss along the way was going to sting, and sting it did for most. But they still went forward with it anyway. Most of you reading right now would have tapped out at the thought of enduring a fraction of these trials and hardships and I don’t blame you. I don’t like horses and horses don’t like me, but that’s another story for a different day. I think though down deep within us, there is still an urge to pioneer.
Today, with no land left to discover and little left to explore, modern pioneers must look to other frontiers to break new ground. We must look to the oceans or the solar system—or even to the realms of social justice. Again, not for our own glory or satisfaction, but for purpose, for the future, and for the generations to follow. Pioneering for purpose is to set the next generation up for success, so they can stand on our shoulders, run farther, and achieve more.
That’s what we are doing here at the Valley Food Bank. We’re taking new land and territory and expanding pantries, feeding more families than ever. We’ve been able to do this by becoming more efficient and putting forth a whole lot of hard work at the warehouse and onsite at our pantries. Everyone together, the ultimate dream team, providing more resources to those families facing food insecurity. Unfortunately, the need is increasing, and more must be done in order to meet this need.
We must pioneer again, for the purpose of meeting the needs of hundreds of thousands in the L.A. area. This is why we have started an expansion project at the Valley Food Bank. Our goal is to raise $350,000 in order to bring more resources to those in need. This will include the purchase of a new
refrigerated truck, a specialized lift, a new walk-in cooler, installation of steel racks in the back 5,000 square feet of our warehouse, and much more.
Already to date, through donations and grants, we have received over $175,000 toward our goal. We’re halfway there, and we’re just getting started. Today, you can be a pioneer! You have the ability to join a great cause, a growing social justice issue, and pioneer with a purpose. It’s simple—head to our website,, click on the donate button at the top, and select “Expansion Project.”
Together we can meet the need, together we can change a city, together we can pioneer for a purpose.
Blessings, Jeremiah Booth Director, Valley Food Bank
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