Stories that Inspire.



Stories that Inspire.



Victories to Celebrate.



Victories to Celebrate.




After losing her husband, Mrs. Morales has experienced hardship.

After losing her husband, Mrs. Morales has experienced hardship.

At 8 a.m. on Wednesday mornings, Mrs. Morales arrives at Valley Park Church and helps set up the carts, tables and displays for the food pantry. She says that volunteering at the pantry on Wednesdays is a blessing to her, and a way to keep her mind and body active.

Mrs. Morales has been coming to the pantry for more than two years, as both a food recipient and a volunteer. Before her husband fell ill, she’d travel to us by bus, and then her husband would pick her up. But his condition worsened, and he eventually passed away—the pantry’s services then became even more crucial for Mrs. Morales.

Money was tight and the economy was getting worse— she felt scared. And after all of the hardships she had experienced, she had minor surgery. She still never misses a Wednesday, despite her use of a cane now.

Every time that Mrs. Morales comes over, she always graciously thanks us for all of the support and help that she receives. She says the food pantry had been a blessing for her, and she gets emotional talking about it.

“I thank the entire organization, the donors and volunteers, for being a part of my life and for helping me stay afloat,” she said. “I thank you for the emotional support as well. May God bless you all.”

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