Stories that Inspire.
Stories that Inspire.
Victories to Celebrate.
Victories to Celebrate.

Christopher and Sarah (center), with David
(right) and Pastor Manny (left), were food box
recipients at a recent pantry food giveaway.
Chris and Sarah recently came to the House—A Church Family’s pantry, along with more than 100 others, and shared their gratitude for their blessing of food. They were overwhelmed with joy as these free resources help their budget for food.
Chris grew up in a very difficult home. He mentioned mental illness to be a problem in his life, and often has trouble getting the help he needs. This was Chris’ second visit to the pantry, and he was eager to return, noting the kindness he was treated with—something he greatly needed. At the pantry, he was given food, but volunteers also took time to listen to him, pray over him, and share the Gospel with him.
The world rarely treats the poor and struggling with respect, a reality that Chris knows very well. But at the food pantry he was treated with love. He heartily took a few boxes of food and even offered to help his friend carry her share after leaving. It was a joy getting to see Chris be fed inwardly and outwardly through the Rescue Mission Alliance Valley Food Bank program.
We are grateful for the Food Bank and their faithful donors and partners for helping us to provide much-needed resources to our community. This outreach has helped us not only to share food but to meet new people to share the love of Christ through this generous giving.
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